Admissions Process

Our Admissions Process

Students who wish to attend New Century School for the current school year will be accepted based on available space in the applicable grade. If space is not available, students will be added to the waiting list for the applicable grade.

In following state law, all applications received during open enrollment will be accepted for enrollment unless more applications are received than the available enrollment, as established by the NCS Board, for the applicable grade. In this situation, all applications will be placed in a lottery. Please note that siblings and foster siblings of currently admitted students have first preference; children of NCS staff have second preference for enrollment.

In order to enroll for Preschool, students must be four years old on or before September 1 of enrollment year. In order to enroll for Kindergarten, students must be five years old on or before September 1 of enrollment year. A limited number of students turning 5 between September 2 and October 31 may enroll if space allows and if students pass a kindergarten assessment. Please contact the school for more information.